Top 20 Important Interview Questions for Software Testing:

Introduction: Testing

In this article I will provide top 20 question which are important from interview point of view. these questions are important for those students who are having 2 to 5 years off experience and what to switch job. so for those students these questions are very important.

Important point:

In Interviews for software testing job you will get questions on below topics. Please go through each and every topic so that you can understand the process. I can 100% say, that if you do all the mentioned topics properly then you can definitely clear interview and get job.

  1. Manual Testing
  2. Automation-Testing & Framework
  3. API Testing
  4. Database Testing (SQL querries)
  5. Logical Programs and Pattern Programs.

Note: one Important thing is if you are giving interview for manual Testing related job then you will get questions only on Manual Testing, API Testing, Database testing and logical Programs( Basic or very easy).

If you are giving job interview for Automation testing related jobs then they can ask questions on Manual Testing, API Testing, Database testing, Automation Testing, Frameworks and logical Programs and Pattern programs.

what is software testing Top 5 IT Skills what is software development

Manual Testing: Important Interview Questions

  1. What is Agile Methodology in Detail?
  2. what is sprint and explain all meetings?
  3. What is Priority and Severity?
  4. Give Examples for High Priority& High severity, high priority what& low severity, low priority& high severity and low priority & low severity.
  5. explain defect life cycle?
  6. what is difference between quality assurance and quality control?
  7. what is functional Testing and nonfunctional testing?
  8. what is difference between smoke and sanity testing?
  9. what is regression testing?
  10. explain black box testing technique?
  11. explain SDLC and its types?

Automation Testing: Important Interview Questions

Considering Automation tool: Selenium and Java

  1. What is Automation testing? and explaind advantages over manual testing.
  2. what is selenium and explain its components?
  3. explain selenium architecture?
  4. what is locator and explain types?
  5. How to handle listbox/dropdown in selenium?
  6. what is parameterization?
  7. How you will take screenshot in selenium?
  8. What is IFrames? explain in detail.
  9. How you will switch selenium focus from one window to other?
  10. What is Waits in selenium and explain types?
  11. Explain exceptions you faced in selenium?
  12. Explain framework you worked in?(DDF, KDF, HF)
  13. What is POM explain in detail?
  14. what is difference between POM and Page factory?
  15. OOPs concept used in framework?
  16. what are different keywords you used in framework?
  17. What is Assertion and mention types?
  18. What is Testng explain in detail?
  19. What is automation life cycle?
  20. How to add text without using sendKeys in selenium?
  21. What is git and github in detail?
  22. what is conflict in github?

Questions on Java:

  1. What is difference between Interface and class?
  2. explain oops concept in java?
  3. what is static method and non static method in java?
  4. what is polymorphism and explain types?
  5. What method overriding and overloading in java?
  6. what is exception in java explain in detail?
  7. difference between list and set?
  8. What is constructor?
  9. difference between array and arraylist?
  10. What is final finally and finalize?
  11. What is String and explain methods?
  12. why Strings are immutable?
  13. what is array?

API Testing: Important interview questions

  1. what is difference between REST and SOAP services?
  2. What is API and Webservices explain in detail?
  3. What are different HTTP methods?
  4. What is status code explain?
  5. What is authorization and explain types?
  6. what is Content Type and explain types?
  7. what is querry and path parameters?
  8. Definitions of Payload, Variables, environment, assertions, swagger and end points in API?

Database Testing: SQL Important Questions

  1. difference between drop, truncate and delete?
  2. what are different types of SQL commands?
  3. What are SQL constraints?
  4. find 4th highest salary, find 2nd highest salary?
  5. how to remove duplicate data from table?
  6. what is inner, left, outer, right join explain? querry can be asked?
  7. querries on like operator, update set, in, between operator can be asked?
  8. when to use where and having clause?

Logical Programs and Pattern Programs:

  1. what is Fibonacci series?
  2. what is Palindrome number and Palindrome String?
  3. what is Armstrong number?
  4. make array in ascending order without method?
  5. find maximum and minimum value from array?
  6. find occurance of each character for example “abcdabefcd”? -> a=2,b=2,c=2,d=2,e=1,f=1
  7. Reverse String “Harry” to “yrraH”?
  8. Reverse odd number String “Sun Moon Earth” –> “nuS Moon htraE”?
  9. write code for different Patterns provided in Below Image